Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Emilee and Maycee

Sorry for the lack of posts...We have been getting in the swing of things with now having 2 precious little girls to take care of. Emilee has been such a great help. She loves to "help" changing diapers...She likes to dress Maycee like one of her baby dolls. In this picture Emilee is NOT really sleeping...She was faking for a good photo op...She's a celebrity in the making. She would love to really sleep with Maycee, but I'm just not too comfortable with that. Maycee is still too small and Emilee moves and kicks like crazy so I told her when Maycee is BIG like cutter then she can sleep with her..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Maycee's big debut!

Blessing us with her presence 2 days earlier than planned we are proud to introduce Maycee Allyn Eden on May 31,2009 at 5:14 pm. She weighed 9lbs 6 oz and was 19 1/2 in long. We were released home after just 48hrs. We are taking it easy and enjoying our new bundle of joy.Maycee seems to be taking after her big sister in the sleep dept. and the eating dept. She is sleeping on 4-5 hr stretches and seems to be making it a habit.
We are working on getting a good schedule going. She is pretty content and only seems to get fussy when she is hungry, wet, or needs to burp.

Please keep us in your thoughts as we transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4. We are enjoying our time together as a family. I would also like to thank Aunt Kristie for taking these amazing pictures. More to come with both my girls.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

This Memorial day I decided to have my last hoorah and take a trip to Dallas to see Kristie, Greg, and Cutter and to attend my aunt and uncles BBQ. Emilee took to the pool, and boy did she have a blast. Last year I couldn't get her in the pool and this year I can't get her out! James decided to get in and help her get acquainted with the larger pool. She loves the water.
She actually let go of James and paddled on her own. Before the end of the day she was doggie paddling and moving the length of the pool on her own.I can't believe how comfortable she was in the water. We bought her a life jacket type thing to help her float. The arm floaties did not work at all.
She got so comfortable she wanted James to throw her up and actually wanted to go all the way under the water. James taught her how to hold her nose. She

Friday, May 15, 2009

Maycee's Room

We have had Maycee's room almost done for awhile now, but we could not find anything to match the bedding. Mindy (Munoz) made me some letters for my baby shower!! I love them. They turned out great! She surprised me with some hand made wall decor!! I was sooo excited! I love them they turned out so good! I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been so thoughtful and took the time to make these. They really put the finishing touches on Maycee's nursery!
She also made an initial sign. It all looks so good! I'm really happy with the way everything looks! All we need is BABY MAYCEE to make it complete!

Monday, May 4, 2009

First swim of the year!!

Emilee has been begging to go swimming for about 2 weeks now. I didn't really think it had been warm enough to get her pool out, but today it was almost 90 degrees so we decided it would be ok to get it out! She loved posing with her pool. James decided he needed go even out his tan so he got in with her! I think he had as much if not more fun than she did.
He got the hose and started to spray her with it! ( I told him she would have gotten introuble for that), but he did it anyway.....

Right now she's telling him NO NO NO DADDY!!!!!

She took refuge by the door so he wouldn't spray her! She's so smart...she knew he wouldn't spray it that close to the door!

To wrap up the first swim James made a fountain like the pond by Aunt Amanda's house. She had so much fun...it took FOOD to get her out of the pool. She got a good hour and half of swimming in before dinner was ready!

Insect Parade

One of the really cool things about Emilee being in Pre-PreK is they do so much cool stuff. Great photo ops! April was INSECT MONTH at school. To bring the month to an end they decided to have a parade! They were supposed to dress up as their favorite insect! Emilee's of course was a BUTTERFLY! They were to MAKE their costume, but anyone who knows me knows i'm NOT creative! So, Emilee and I decided to make a shirt and let her wear her wings from 2 halloweens ago so she could be her fave insect.When the parade first started she was really shy! They went in a big circle starting from their hallway going all the way to the 4th grade hallway....
By the time they came around the 2nd time she was an old pro..

She had so much fun... Everyone thought she was sooo cute! The best part of it was James got to get off work and come and see her!

I put her hair in pig tails, stuck some pipe cleaners in there, braided her hair around the pipe cleaners, and made them stick up like antenas. I must say it was pretty creative..Especially for me!

I am so happy that I put her in this program. She gets to do so much neat stuff. She loves getting up and going to school.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who would have thought....

Ok so James has been saying for days that he needed to mow the grass...Emilee said that she was going to help daddy mow...I didn't really think that she would...I picked her up from school and told her daddy was going to mow the grass. She instantly skipped the playground and said we had to come straight home so she could help. Not too far into it she needed a break...(don't worry mom, she sat that close to the road for less than a minute..just long enough for me to get the picture)

Once James came back toward her she got up and was ready to help again. Only my baby would point her toes while mowing!!!

She wanted to try and do it herself so James let her, but she didn't get far.

Here she is all done and posing for the camera. Thanks Papa and Nana for the new shades... Who would have thought that my child would WANT to help to mow the grass. enjoy..